Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
Discover how Forward Bank’s commitment to the Community Reinvestment Act drives meaningful impact and sets us apart through community-focused lending, investment, and service initiatives.
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What is the Community Reinvestment Act?
The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) is a federal law that encourages financial institutions to meet the credit needs of all segments of their communities, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. At Forward Bank, we are committed to going beyond regulatory compliance to actively promote financial inclusion and community development. This dedication sets us apart from other financial institutions, as we believe that investing in our community’s well-being is vital to creating a stronger, more prosperous future for everyone.
Why Our Commitment to the CRA Makes Us Different
At Forward Bank, the CRA isn’t just a requirement — it’s an opportunity. We take pride in our proactive approach to community reinvestment by offering tailored financial services, supporting local businesses, and investing in community development projects that truly make a difference. Our focus on partnerships, financial education, and inclusive lending practices reflects our commitment to the communities we serve and differentiates us from other financial institutions that may only aim to meet the minimum standards.
CRA Public File Information
- CRA – County, Towns, City – Only in Area.PDF
- CRA – Loan to Deposit Ratio.PDF
- CRA – Open Closed Locations.PDF
- CRA – Products Services.PDF
- CRA – Locations Hours.PDF
- CRA – Public Disclosure.PDF
- CRA – Written Comments.PDF
- Fee Schedule.PDF
- CRA – Analysis Area Income Map.PDF
- Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Notice.PDF
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