Forward Bank
Successful $5,000 Field Goal Kick at Thorp
October 5, 2017
Forward Financial Bank sponsored a $5,000 Field Goal Kick on September 1, 2017 at the Thorp Cardinals football game.
The lucky kicker, Donald Kroeplin, was selected at random from the crowd to attempt a 25-yard field goal kick for a chance to win $2,500 for himself and $2,500 for the school’s athletic program. At halftime, Kroeplin walked onto the field with confidence as volunteers set up for the kick. Moments later the crowd erupted in cheers and applause as the ball soared over the goal post with plenty of distance to spare! What a great way to start the season! Congratulations Donnie!
“We’re excited to continue this partnership with our school athletic program and support our student athletes,” commented Samantha Hubbard, Thorp Office Manager. “This is a great event that makes giving back fun and brings people together to support our local athletes – we’re looking forward to the next event.” The last sponsored $5,000 field goal kick of the season will be at Medford on October 13th.